Go to https://localbitcoins.com/. Click on the 'Sign up free' in the center of the page
To create an account, enter your unique login and your email. Create a strong password that contains lowercase and uppercase letters as well as numbers and symbols. Check the box confirming your agreement with the terms of service, and click on the "Register" button
The final stage of registration is the confirmation. To confirm the account, simply click on the link provided in the email sent to you
Specify the desired amount of Bitcoin (1), the currency you will use (2), your city (3), and the method of payment (4). Check the accuracy of the data, then click on "Search"
Choose from the list the offer best suited to your request, taking into account the criteria mentioned. Click on the "Buy" button to the right of this offer
Carefully study the terms of the transaction (1) and make sure that they are completely suitable for you. Specify the amount of Bitcoin you want to purchase (2), and then click on "Send a request for a deal" (3).
Use the message box to get additional instructions from the seller. Their funds will be stored on localbitcoins.com until the transaction is completed. Then you can withdraw the purchased amount to your personal wallet